
Integrated Mixer/Amplier
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specifications
The integrated mixer/amplier shall have a nominal out-
put power of at least 120W RMS. It shall operate on 115VAC
or 230VAC at either 50Hz or 60Hz and have its source power
supplied by a detachable IEC power cord. In addition the unit
shall be capable of being directly powered by a 24Vdc
source, such as storage batteries. It shall have a power
switch on the front panel. The unit shall have a constant-
impedance output to drive a 4load at its rated output. It
shall also have 25V, 50V, 70V and 100V constant-voltage out-
puts with like performance.
Inputs to the unit shall include: at least four actively bal-
anced microphone; two unbalanced, stereo Aux; and an
unbalanced signal processing return. Outputs shall include:
at least two unbalanced Tape (auxiliary) jacks with a com-
mon, continuously variable level control; and one signal pro-
cessing send. Balanced connections shall be made through
XLR connectors and unbalanced connections through RCA
Microphone Input 1 shall have adjustable sensitivity
between mic and line, selected by a switch on the rear panel.
This input shall also be programmable to completely exclude
or attenuate all other inputs when its priority link is activated
by either a contact closure or a VOX circuit, with a continu-
ously adjustable threshold. The XLR connector for Input 1
shall be wired, in parallel, to a barrier strip on the rear panel.
Microphone inputs 2-4 shall have a 24V phantom powering
circuit that can be disabled with a switch on the rear panel.
These inputs shall be equipped with a high-pass lter and a
low-pass lter having a response of 12dB/octave and xed
3db points at 300Hz and 7kHz, respectively. Each of these
lters shall be enabled by a switch on the rear panel.
Additionally, these inputs shall be programmable to com-
pletely exclude or attenuate all other inputs except for micro-
phone input.
Two auxiliary voltage outputs shall be provided on the
rear panel to drive accessory relays and LEDs. The relay out-
put shall deliver +18Vdc at 300mA. Voltage shall go high
when any microphone priority function is active.
The unit shall have, on its front panel, continuously vari-
able controls for each microphone input, an auxiliary input
selector switch, a master volume control, as well as bass and
treble shelving lter controls. The shelving lters shall have a
range of ±12dB, with the frequency for the bass xed at
100Hz and the treble xed at 10kHz. LED status indicators
shall be provided on the front panel to indicate power, signal
present at the output terminals, peak signals near clipping
and an overload condition.
The integrated mixer/amplier shall be a model AM4120,
manufactured by Mackie Industrial.
16220 Wood-Red Rd. NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 USA
888.337.7404, fax 425.487.4337, industrial@mackie.com
UK +44.1268.571.212, fax +44.1268.570.809, info@rcf-uk.com
ITALY +39.0522.354.111, fax +39.0522.926.208, industrial@rcf.it
FRANCE +33.3.8546.9160, fax +33.3.8546.9161, rcf.commercial@wanadoo.fr
GERMANY +49.2572.96042.0, fax +49.2572.96042.10, industrial@mackie.de
Electronic les for this product available at:
This Specication Sheet AM4120.PDF
Quick-Start Manual AM4120QS.PDF
Owner/Operators Manual AM4120ML.PDF
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tion methods, and design refinements are introduced into existing products without notice as a routine
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respect from its published description, but will always equal or exceed the original design specifications
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part no. 910-140-10 Rev.B