
Owner’s Manual
Owners Manual
If youre doing a mixdown to a 2-track, for example,
simply engage the MAIN MIX switch on each channel
that you want to hear, and theyll be sent to the MAIN
MIX bus. If you want to create a subgroup of certain
channels, engage either the 1-2 or 3-4 switches instead
of the MAIN MIX, and theyll be sent to the appropriate
subgroup faders. From there, the subgroups can be sent
back to the MAIN MIX (using the SUB ASSIGN switches
[43] above the subgroup faders), allowing you to use the
subgroup faders as a master control for those channels.
If youre creating new tracks or bouncing existing
ones, youll also use the 1-2 and 3-4 switches, but not the
MAIN MIX switch. Here, you dont want the subgroups
sent back into the MAIN MIX bus, but sent out, via the
SUB OUT jacks [60], to your multitrack inputs. How-
ever, if youre printing tracks via the RECORDING OUTS
[63] (or via the optional FireWire card), the channel
assignment switches dont matter because the RECORD-
ING OUTS come before the ASSIGN switches.
The Onyx 1640 is what we call a true 4-bus mixer.
Each channel can be assigned or unassigned to any of
the subgroups without affecting the other subgroups or
settings within the channel, and each subgroup has its
own master fader and dedicated output. In fact, since
there are four subgroups and the MAIN MIX, its actu-
ally a true 6-bus mixer. We should have named it the
Onyx 1660!
17. SOLO Switch
This handy switch allows you to hear signals through
your headphones or control room outputs without hav-
ing to route them to the MAIN or SUB mixes. Folks use
solo in live work to preview channels before they are
let into the mix, or just to check out what a particular
channel is up to anytime during a session. You can solo
as many channels at a time as you like.
Your Onyx 1640 has Dual-Mode Solo. A switch in the
master section, SOLO MODE [34] determines which
mode youll be hearing. With the switch up, youll get
PFL (Pre-Fader Listen), which is after the GAIN
and EQ controls, but before the channel fader. With
the switch down, youre in AFL (After-Fader Listen),
which is post-fader and post-PAN, making it ideal for
mixdown soloing.
Soloed channels are sent to the SOURCE mix [18],
which ultimately feeds your CONTROL ROOM, PHONES,
and Meters. Whenever SOLO is engaged, all SOURCE
selections (MAIN MIX, TAPE, SUB 1-2, SUB 3-4, and
FIREWIRE) are defeated, to allow the soloed signal to
do just thatsolo!
Control Room Matrix,
Metering, and Phones
Typically, the engineer sends the MAIN MIX to an audi-
ence (if live) or to a mixdown deck (if recording). But
what if the engineer needs to hear something other than
the MAIN MIX in the control room or headphones? With
the Onyx 1640, the engineer has several choices of what
to listen to. This is one of those tricky parts, so buckle up.
Using the SOURCE switches, you can choose to listen
to any combination of MAIN MIX, TAPE, SUB 1-2, SUB
3-4, and FIREWIRE (optional). By now, you probably
know what the MAIN MIX is. TAPE is the stereo signal
coming in from the TAPE IN RCA jacks. The four SUB-
GROUPs can be used for additional mono or stereo mix
outputs. FIREWIRE is a 2-track feed coming in through
the optional FireWire card from your computer.
Selections made in the SOURCE ma-
trix deliver stereo signals to the C-R OUT,
PHONES, and Meters. These signals are
tapped after their respective level con-
trolspost-MAIN MIX fader, post-SUB 1-4
faders, and post-TAPE IN knob. With no
switches engaged,
there will be no signal at
these outputs and no meter indication.
The exception to that is the SOLO func-
tion. Regardless of the SOURCE matrix
selection, engaging a channels SOLO switch
will replace that selection with the SOLO
signal, also sent to the CONTROL ROOM,
PHONES, and Meters.
There is an alternate way
to get the TAPE, SUB 1-4
and FIREWIRE signals
into the Control Room
outputs. Each of these
signals can be routed
directly to the main mix bus, and then
assigned to the C-R OUT and PHONES by
selecting MAIN MIX in the SOURCE matrix,
the difference being that the signals pass
through the MAIN MIX INSERT and MAIN
MIX fader rst.
Just under the TAPE IN knob, there is
a button called TAPE TO MAIN MIX [23].
This routes the stereo tape mix to the main
mix bus.
The SUB ASSIGN switches [43] are used
to route the subgroups to the left and right
main mix bus.