74 Installed Software
MX7 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX7RG-B
Boot Loader
The MX7 supports a proprietary boot loader. It is the responsibility of the boot loader to:
• Initialize all system hardware
• Load code into internal FPGA device(s)
• Load the OS image from SD card to DRAM
• Initiate OS startup
• Handle wakeup from system suspend, loading saved state
• Handle copying a new boot loader from SD card to internal flash
The MX7 reloads the OS every time during warm boot or cold boot. In Warm Boot (i.e., the user
executes a Warm Boot) the OS and the CAB files are reloaded from the internal SD card and the
preserved registry is also reloaded. Anything else (user data), which was not preserved in the
registry, is lost. During Cold Boot (i.e., user executes a Cold Boot utility) the system behavior is
identical to Warm Boot with the addition that the registry is reloaded with factory defaults.
The SD card holds user applications and CAB files. The SD card is mapped to the System folder
in the Windows CE file system.
JAVA (Option)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the
EVM icon to open the EVM Console. A folder of JAVA examples and Plug-ins is also installed
with the JAVA option. LXE does not support all JAVA applications running on the mobile