40 COM Ports
MX5X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC
COM Ports
The MX5X supports three COM port options.
Scanner Port
RS-232 Port, Ethernet,
USB and AC Power
(COM 1, left)
RS-232 Port, AC Power
(COM 4, right)
IR Port (COM 3)
Figure 2-4 COM Ports
COM 1 port is always the left (with screen facing up) RS-232 port on the base of the MX5X.
COM 1 port accepts RS-232, USB, USB Host, Ethernet and AC power connectors.
The RS-232 port on the docking cradle is ‘connected’ to the MX5X when a tethered scanner is
connected to the RS-232 port on the MX5 cradle, and the MX5X is in the cradle. The cradle must
be powered by an alternate AC or DC power source to enable tethered scanner use.
The COM 3 port is always the IR port on the base of the MX5X.
COM 4 is always the right (with screen facing up) RS-232 port on the base of the MX5X. COM 4
port accepts RS-232 and AC power connectors.
To edit Scanner Com Port parameters, tap the Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner. Change the
parameter values and tap OK to save the changes.
An RJ45 Ethernet port is on the Enhanced Desktop Cradle with Ethernet Port.
USB Port
The USB port requires a DB26 to USB cable (available from LXE). The serial port/USB port also
supports serial data transfer (using a null modem cable) and USB I/O at 1.5 Mbps. The MX5X
automatically detects the cable configuration. Host and client is automatically configured based on
the type of cable used.
Refer to section titled Accessories in this guide for part numbers for the DB26-USB cable and the
null modem cable.