Quick Start 11
E-EQ-MX3CEOGWW-A-ARC MX3-CE Installation and Operator’s Guide
Set The Display Contrast
Adjusting screen contrast lightens or darkens the characters to make them visible at a comfortable
level. The contrast is incremented or decremented one step each time the contrast key is pressed.
To adjust screen contrast, locate the <F6> key at the top of the keypad. Adjust the display
contrast by pressing the:
• 2
key, then the <F6> key
• Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to adjust contrast until the display lightens or
darkens to your satisfaction.
• Press the Enter key to exit this mode.
Set the Display Backlight Timer
Note: Refer to the section titled "Power Modes" later in this manual for information relating to
the power states of the MX3-CE.
Select Start / Settings / Control Panel / Display Properties / Backlight tab. Change the
parameter values and tap OK to save the changes.
The first option should be set when the MX3-CE will be running on battery power only. The
second option should be set when the MX3-CE will be running on external power (e.g. AC
adapter, cigarette adapter, powered cradle).
The default value for the battery power timer is 3 seconds. The default value for the external power
timer is 2 minutes.
Figure 12 Display Properties / Backlight