52 Regulatory Notices and Safety Information
MX3 User’s Guide E-EQ-MX3OGWW-F-ARC
Annex to DoC for LXE 6816
With regard to the use of external antennas
The LXE 6816 can be equipped with external antennas. The antennas listed have been assessed with the LXE 6816
pursuant to EN 300 328, and therefore meet the definition of ‘dedicated antenna’. The table below lists the maximum output
power setting for the radio module in order to result in a total EIRP of 100mW or less. Any combination of output power
and a specific type of antenna resulting in an EIRP greater than 100mW is illegal for use throughout the Community and is
outside the scope of this DoC. Antennas not listed below are also outside the scope of this DoC.
Dedicated Antennas for use with LXE 6816
LXE Antenna
Part Number
LXE Model
Max Radio
Power Level
153180-0001 N/A 2.2 dBi 17 dBm Cushcraft Omni Antenna
155846-0001 6000A279ANT3SPIREL
3 dBi 17 dBm Spire® Omni Antenna
155845-0001 6000A277ANT6SPIREL
6 dBi 13 dBm Spire® Omni Antenna
480424-0411 N/A 9 dBi 11 dbm Mobile Mark Omni Antenna
155104-0001 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Omni
154591-0001 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Patch
Toko DAC2450CT1 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Omni
157368-0001 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Omni
158586-0001 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Omni
158399-0001 N/A 0 dbi 20 dbm LXE Omni
Cyril A. Binnom Jr.
Regulatory Engineer
18 June 2003
LXE Inc. 125 Technology Parkway Norcross, GA 30092-2993 USA
ph. 770/447-4224 fax 770/447-6928