Syntax and Parameters 5-3
MX2A137REFGD Revision A MX2 Reference Guide
Option Description Default
Xmodem Zmodem
C# (Zmodem only) Specifies how the retransmission
of a file should be handled if a previous transfer
was interrupted. Replace the # symbol with the
desired setting:
1 = Never recover (start transmission from the
beginning of the file)
2 = Follow sender (use the sender’s crash-
recovery options; ignore the receiver’s)
3 = Always recover (send data from the point
where transmission was interrupted)
N/A 1
D# Specifies the number of seconds for XFER to
wait for activity before cancelling the transfer.
Replace the # symbol with the desired number of
seconds for the timeout delay. Acceptable values
are 0 (no timeout) through 65,535.
60 60
E# Specifies the maximum number of times XFER
should attempt retransmission of a packet after an
error occurs. If the final attempt fails, XFER
aborts the transfer. Replace the # symbol with the
desired maximum number of attempts. A setting
of 0 allows for unlimited attempts.
0 30
F# Specifies the type of flow control to use for data
transfer. Replace the # symbol with the desired
0 = No flow control
1 = XON/ XOFF (Zmodem only)
2 = RTS/ CTS
0 1 = MX2
2 = all
H or ? Displays help for the XFER command. None None
Ifile Specifies the modem-initialization file. Replace
file with the name of the file to use.
modem.ini modem.ini