Internet Explorer
After the installation application is manually run, a reboot is necessary for the Enabler to begin normal performance. Following
this reboot, the Enabler will by default be an auto-launch application. This behavior can be modified by accessing the
Avalanche Update Settings panel through the Enabler Interface.
The designation of the mobile device to the Avalanche CE Manager is LXE_MX3X.
LXE CE devices manufactured before October 2006 must have their drivers and system files upgraded before they can use the
Avalanche Enabler functions. Contact your LXE representative for details on upgrading the mobile device baseline.
Internet Explorer
Access:Start | Programs | Internet Explorer
This option requires a radio card and an Internet Service Provider. There are a few changes in the Windows CE version of
Internet Explorer as it relates to the general desktop Windows PC Internet Explorer options. Tap the “?” button to access
Internet Explorer Help.
Java (Optional)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the EVM icon to open the EVM
Console. A folder of Java examples and Plug-ins is also installed with the Java option. LXE does not support Java applications
running on the mobile device.
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 35 ] MX3X Reference Guide