Summit Client Configuration 203
E-EQ-HX2RG-B HX2 Reference Guide
Figure 5-16 Summit EAP-FAST Credentials
Enter the Username or Domain \Username in the Credentials popup text entry box, if desired.
Enter the Password, if desired. Tap OK.
For automatic PAC provisioning, once a username/password is authenticated, the PAC
information is stored on the mobile device. The same username/password must be used to
authenticate each time. When using automatic PAC provisioning, once authenticated, there is a
file stored in the \System directory with the PAC credentials. If the username is changed, that file
must be deleted. The filename is autoP.00.pac.
For manual PAC provisioning, the PAC filename and password must be entered. The PAC file
must be copied to the directory specified in the Certs Path global variable. The PAC file must not
be Read Only.
Tap OK then tap Commit to save the new profile configuration. Ensure the correct Active Profile
is selected on the Main tab and perform a warmboot (or Suspend/Resume) function.
See Also: Sign-On vs. Stored Credentials earlier in this chapter if the username and password are
left blank during setup.