6-4 System Utilities
2325 Reference Guide Revision B 2325A137REFGD
This utility provides an easy means for developers to interact with the
2325 by allowing video and keyboard interaction to be done at a host
PC. It does this by controlling redirection of video and keyboard I/O
through the portable's serial port COM1. When keyboard redirection is
disabled, input is received from the 2325's keypad; when it is enabled,
input is taken from the serial port. The same mode of operation applies
to video output, which is sent to either the display or out the serial port.
When redirecting video output, keypad input, or both, you must connect
the 2325’s serial port to a host computer. The host computer should be
running a basic terminal emulator that provides a direct connection to
the host communications port. The host communications port settings
should be: no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and the baud rate specified in
the comio.com command line. By default, both video and keyboard I/O
are redirected, but either one may be changed independently.
COMIO [/b#] [/h] [/k] [/v]
Specifies the baud rate to use. If you do not specify this setting, the
current baud rate is used.
Displays a help file for the utility.
Changes keyboard redirection only.
Changes video redirection only.
This driver controls barcode scanning devices and decodes barcode
labels into text. If special programming barcodes are read, the decoded
information will be sent to the PARAMS device. Otherwise, the
resulting text is placed in the keyboard buffer for reading by the
application. DECODE.SYS is located on drive B of the 2325 and is
loaded by the CONFIG.SYS file located on that drive. You cannot
eliminate the loading of DECODE.SYS except through the safe-boot