Press Up and Down on the directional keys to navigate menus. Press the
Enter Key to conrm your choices.
Choose “New Game” or “Load Game” to start a new game, or load
a previously-saved game.
Select “Options” to adjust sound and music.
You can travel to different
levels in the game
through doors like this
one. Green lights above
the door show that it’s
open; red lights mean
that it’s locked.
To start your LEGO
Star Wars™ adventure, walk through the unlocked
door marked “I”. This will take you to a room lled with doors leading to
the six levels for Episode I: The Phantom Menace. When you start, only
the rst door is open leading to the level “Negotiations”.
Once you’ve completed “Negotiations”, doors to the
other Star Wars Episodes will unlock. Within
each Episode, doors unlock one after the other.
Completing level 1 will unlock level 2 and so on.
There are lots of other fun things to do in the
Cantina, so take afew moments to look around.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… blah,
blah, blah.
Let’s just cut right to the chase. The game in this
box is a piece of galactic history, so treat it like a
short-tempered Wookiee — express your admiration
and offer lots of praise.
For the first time since ever, you can play through
the entire
Star Wars
saga in one,
single adventure. It’s like joining the Jedi Council
— sort of a big deal, you know.
That’s six episodes of Jedi mind tricks, extreme
podracing, hanging out with Ewoks on Endor,
and exploding the Death Star for the bazillionth
time. Plus, you’ll run into lots of old pals —
Chewbacca, R2-D2, Luke, Leia; memorable enemies
too, like Darth Maul, General Grievous, and a
very angry Darth Vader. There are even a few new
friends — Jedi Aayla Secura and bounty hunter
Zam Wesell.
Plus, if you fall to pieces along the way, you can
just restart — which the Rebels certainly wish
they could have done when they were struggling
to defeat the Empire for real. You do know
is based on a true story, right?
So let’s jump right to it and get started before
the Wookiee gets upset again!