• Port number: 3483 (UDP) - Name: SlimDiscovery
• Port Number: 9000 (TCP) - Name: SlimServer Web
Examples of third party software firewalls include: Brickhouse,
Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Security Center, PC-Cillin, BlackIce, McAfee Security
Center, ZoneAlarm. You will need to configure your firewall software or hardware to allow
connections to ports 3483 and 9000 for both UDP and TCP connections. Refer to the
instructions that came with your firewall for details. There are detailed instructions for
many third-party firewalls available on our web site at .
If you have a wireless Squeezebox and you have connected it using both ethernet and
wireless, your Squeezebox may have created a “loop” in your network and you need to
disconnect one of your network connections. Unplug the ethernet connection or go
back to the setup screens to set up your Squeezebox to connect using ethernet.
If you are using Windows NT, 2000 or XP, SlimServer is running as a Windows service.
Windows services do not have permission to use networked drives by default. You must
run the SlimServer service as a user who has permission to use the shared volume. To do
this, go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Find SlimServer and double-
click to view the properties. Click on the Log On tab, then click This Account and enter
the account information for the user account that has access to the network volume.
: The user account for the service must be protected by a password for this to
If you are still having problems, try using a UNC-style path to specify your music library in
the Server Settings page. Instead of X:\path for a mounted volume or mapped drive, use
\\SERVER\path\ style addressing. This may work for some servers where direct volume
letter mapping does not.
You can create links or shortcuts to other folders and place them in your specified Music
Library Folder. The contents of the linked folders will then be part of your Music Library.
If you add music to your music library, you may need to tell SlimServer to rescan your