The RE-2 Entry System audio levels can be adjusted to suit the
installation requirements. If required, make these adjustments after
programming, but before closing and securing the RE-2 case.
Speakerphone Volume
The SPEAKERPHONE VOLUME adjustment controls the audio
level that the RE-2 speaker produces during communications
between the visitor and the resident.
✦ NOTE: Adjusting the speaker volume too high will cause the speech
to cut-out as the system switches from talk to listen.
1. Have someone waiting to receive the call. Push the CALL button to
call the residence.
2. Have the resident talk at a normal volume level while adjusting the
SPEAKERPHONE VOLUME control. Adjusting the control clockwise
increases the volume, counterclockwise decreases the volume.
Digital Speech Volume
The DIGITAL SPEECH VOLUME adjustment controls the audio
level of the voice synthesizer. This adjustment effects the audio
level of the voice synthesizer from the speaker and through the
1. Push the HELP button to cause the voice synthesizer to sound the
help message.
2. Adjust the DIGITAL SPEECH VOLUME to suit the installation.
Adjusting the control clockwise increases the volume,
counterclockwise decreases the volume.
Figure 28. System Adjustment Locations