Ref. Part
No. Number Description
1 2110-780* Welded Cabinet Assembly
2 2110-318* Enclosure Door
5 2220-008 Lock Assembly with Key
6 2110-746 Bearing Block Assembly Kit
7 2110-034 Drive Shaft Assembly
8 2110-732 Gate Arm Flange
9 2100-1925-BT Arm Attachment Channel
10 2100-1926-BT Counterweight
2110-441 Connecting Link with Bearings
26 2200-136 Flange Bearings only
17 2500-1902 Motor 24VDC
2510-243 Brush Replacement Kit
2110-834 Motor Mounting Bracket (not shown)
18 2100-364 Intermediate Shaft
19 2110-117 Reducer and Crank Arm Assembly
21 2200-917 Reducer Double Pulley, 7”
22 2200-918 Intermediate Pulley, 2” (2 required)
23 2200-1003 V-Belt, cogged, 25” (2 required)
24 2200-235 Motor Pulley, 1 5/8”
25 2200-011 Pulley, 6” (2 required)
28 2200-208 V-Belt, 26” (2 required)
33 2200-314 Set Collar, 1 1/4”
34 2400-474 Roll Pin, 3/8” x 2”
38 2500-764 Limit Switch
43 2300-028 Limit Cam
50 2400-238 Key, 3/16” x 3/16” x 1 1/4”
60 2200-222 Pillow Block Bearing
2510-064 Three-Button Station with Lead Wires
2500-033 Standard Three-Button Station only
71 2510-223 Transformer Assembly
2500-1768 Bridge Rectifi er
2500-1769 Diode
2500-1776 Transformer only, 115/24V, 250VA
2500-1819 Fuse Holder
2500-1742 Fuse, 6A Slow-Blow
72 2100-1879 Power Box Mounting Plate
73 2510-266 Power On/Off Switch Assembly
2500-1956 Duplex Receptacles only, 115VAC
2500-726 Switch only (20 Amp)
2510-252-F Power On/Off Disconnect Assembly
on 230VAC Models
2500-2205 Switch only, 230VAC
74 2100-1820 Front Accessory Shelf
76 2510-182 Battery Assembly
(LINEAR supplied - some distributors supply other batteries)
2500-1118 Battery, 12V (2 required)
2300-450 Velcro Tape, per foot
* Specify color and texture