Advanced Process Panel
Includes Pulsed MIG, Pulse-On-
and Power Mode
ties. Alpha-numeric display for
accurate setting.
Order K1763-1
Deluxe Adjustable Gas Regulator
& Hose Kit
Accommodates CO
, argon, or
argon-blend gas cylinders. Includes
a cylinder pressure gauge, dual
scale flow gauge and 4.3 ft. (1.3m)
gas hose.
Order K586-1
40 Water Cooler
Reliable and affordable water
cooler for water-cooled MIG, TIG,
or plasma cutting applications.
Order K1813-1 for 115V
Order K2187-1 for 230V
Lincoln Fume Extraction
A full line of fume extraction
systems are available.
Request Publications
E13.11 Miniflex
E13.40 Mobiflex
Dual Cylinder Platform
Platform undercarriage for
mounting two gas cylinders at
rear of welder.
Order K1570-1
Accessory Kit – 400 Amp
For stick welding. Includes 35 ft.
(10.7 m) 2/0 electrode cable with
lug, 30 ft. (9.1 m) 2/0 work cable
with lugs, headshield, filter plate,
work clamp and electrode holder.
Order K704
Remote Output Control
For remote output of welding
voltage. Consists of control box
with 25 or 100 ft. (7.6 m or 30 m)
of four conductor cable and 6-pin
MS-type connector.
Order K857 for 25 ft. (7.6m)
Order K857-1 for 100 ft. (30m)
TIG Torch
V model two cable torches provide
a convenient gas control valve to
control shielding gas flow.
PTA-26V Two Cable Torch
Air-Cooled 200 amp
Order K1783-7 for 12.5 ft. 2 pc
Order K1783-9 for 25 ft. 2 pc
PTA-17V Two Cable Torch
Air-Cooled 150 amp
Order K1782-7 for 12.5 ft. 2 pc
Order K1782-9 for 25 ft. 2 pc
For High Frequency TIG Welding
TIG Module
Portable, high frequency unit with
gas valve for TIG welding. Rated
at 300 amps/60% duty cycle. Re-
quires TIG Module Control Cable.
Order K930-2
Docking Kit
Provides a means to “dock” the
TIG module on top of a flat-roofed
power source, or any other flat
surface measuring at least
10" x 15" (254 mm x 381 mm).
Includes a latch and provisions for
a user-supplied padlock to lock the
TIG Module in place.
Order K939-1
TIG Module Control Cable
9-pin connector at the TIG Module
to 14-pin MS type connector at the
power source. (Contains input
power source. control, contactor
control, and ground circuits). For
machines having a 14-pin remote
control and power receptacle.
Order K936-1
Hand Amptrol
Provides 25 ft. (7.6 m) of remote
current control for TIG welding.
(6-pin plug connection). Velcro
straps secure torch.
Order K963-3 (one size fits all
Pro-Torch TIG torches).
Foot Amptrol
Provides 25 ft. (7.6 m) of remote
current control for TIG welding.
(6-pin plug connection).
Order K870
Arc Start Switch
May be used in place of the Foot or
Hand Amptrol
. Comes with a 25 ft.
(7.6 m) cable. Attaches to the TIG
torch for convenient finger control
to start and stop the weld cycle at
the current set on the machine.
Order K814