This controls the 2 Step Restart function. When the
switch is ON the 2 Step Restart function is enabled.
2-Step Restart Disabled (DIP Switch 3 = OFF)
1. Press and hold the TIG torch trigger to start the
sequence. The machine will open the gas valve to
start the flow of the shielding gas. After the preflow
time, the output of the machine is turned ON. At
this time the arc is started according to the selected
welding mode (Lift TIG or HF TIG). After the arc is
started the output current will be increased (ups-
lope) to the welding current.
2. Release the TIG torch trigger to stop welding. The
machine will now decrease the output current at a
controlled rate (downslope), until the Start/Crater
current is reached and the output of the machine is
turned OFF. After the arc is turned OFF, the gas
valve will remain open for the duration of the post-
flow time. )&
As shown in figure B.5, it is also possible to press and
hold the TIG torch trigger a second time during
downslope to end the downslope time and maintain
the output current at the Start/Crater current. When
the TIG torch trigger is released the output will turn
OFF and the postflow time will start.
Same as step 1.
Same as step 2.
As shown in figure B.6, it is possible to press and hold
the TIG torch trigger a second time during downslope
to restart. After the trigger is pressed the output cur-
rent will increase to the welding current, like in step 1.
When the main part of the weld is complete go to the
beginning of step 2. )&