F-55 F-55
1. Check the LED’s on the Control Board. Compare
the pattern to Page 3 of the Machine Schematic.
Normal operation will show 8 Green LED’s ON
and both Red LED’s OFF.
Green LED’s 1 through 8 indicate the pres-
ence of the various DC supplies to the Board.
LED 7 (red) will only be ON in the event of a
Primary Over Current. Cycle the Power
Switch to reset LED 7.
LED’s 9 (green) & 10 (red) will mimic the
Status LED on the front panel in the event of
an error. If the Status LED is OFF, these will
still indicate the error code.
2. If any of the Green LED’s 1 through 8 are not lit or
are dimmer than the others:
Turn the power off and disconnect all of the
Control Board Molex connectors except J4 and
turn the power back on . If the LED(s) in question
stay the same:
Check the DC voltage levels in connector J4.
See the Machine Schematic for correct read-
If voltages are correct, replace the Control
Board. If not, replace the Power Board.
3. If LED’s 9 & 10 are flashing an error code and all
other LED’s are correct:
Check the Error Code list in this section to deter-
mine where the problem may be.
If the Error Code is not listed, contact the Lincoln
Service Department for determination.
4. Check the DIP switches. In a single machine set-
up, switches 1 through 7 should be OFF. Switch 8
should be ON if a remote sense lead is attached.
NOTE: If any switches need to be changed because
the machine was removed from a multi
machine application be sure to write down
their position before changing them so they
can be properly reset when the machine is
returned to it’s position.
Since the functions of the Control Board are primarily software related, there are not very many tests to be per-
formed that will help in diagnosing a problem with the board itself. Elimination of problems in the areas where
loss of function is taking place will help decide by process of elimination if the Control Board is the defective
component. As a result, the troubleshooting chart will typically recommend other areas to be tested before the
Control Board.
If the Control Board does seem to be the most likely solution, perform the checks outlined below, and then try
downloading the latest software into the machine. If a solution is still not evident, use the Diagnostic facility to
take a “snapshot” that can then be sent to the Lincoln Service Department via e-mail for assistance in determin-
ing where the problem. Contact the Lincoln Service Department at 1-888-935-3877.
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