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9. Remove the ingoing guide tube from the rear
brass block of the wire feeder and plug the
connector of the electrode cable extension into
the brass block. Tighten the locking screw with a
3/16 in. Allen wrench. The guide tube is not used
when the extension assembly is installed.
10. If using over 450 amperes, connect a length of
1/0 cable between the brass block on the wire reel
base and the tab on the rear brass block of the
wire feeder. Tape this cable to the extension
assembly. Proper cable lengths are:
• For a 22-1/2 ft (6.9 m) extension use 23-1/2 ft
(7.2 m) - order M5906-106
• For 45 ft (13.7 m) extension use 46 ft (14 m) -
order M5906-104
11. To mount the wire feeder handle provided with
the extension unit, remove the two self-tapping
screws that hold the hinge pin in the top of the
wire feeder. Push the hinge pin out, leaving the
covers intact. Place the handles into the slots
provided and push the hinge pin back into the
assembly making sure that the pin goes through
the holes in the handle. Put the two self-tapping
screws back into their respective positions. Refer
to Figure A.14.
12. If the extension is being used with a K306 Wire
Reel Flux Tank assembly, the hose attached to
the bottom of the flux tank may have to be
shortened. This hose is 64 ft (19.5 m) long, and is
the correct length for use with the 45 ft (13.7 m)
extension. If a 22-1/2 ft (6.9 m) extension is to be
used, cut 22-1/2 ft (6.9 m) off the flux hose to give
the correct length of 41-1/2 ft (12.6 m). (The
conductor cable is 22-1/2 ft (6.9 m) long, tip to tip,
and can be used to measure the length of hose
cut off.) If the flux hose is taped to the extension
cables or gun cable, it should be done in such a
manner as not to deform or collapse the hose.