IDEALARC® R3R 375-I, 500-I AND 600-I
Low output, low OCV, or erratic welding
Turn control dial to minimum
Check OCV
OCV is 35-55V OCV is 40-45V OCV is 0 Rated OCV but OCV less than rated
erratic welding but more than 55V
OCV 45-55V OCV 35-45V Possible machine Check leads 76, 77, Possible Loose lead Possible intermittent Possible Possible wrong connection Possible defective
is being 212, 213, 210, 211 defective connections or loose connections defective of gate leads if recent PC board
single phased & SW2 for open PC board on shunt in control circuit. PC board PC board or rectifier
Check aux. voltages Check PC board con- stack change.
on PC board nector, switches,
potentiometers, etc.
201-202 = 120V ± 10% Replace Retighten Replace See wiring diagram Replace
201-202 = 120V ± 10% leads and correct
202-203 = 120V ± 10% Remove and replace Gate leads
G-1, G-2, G-3 from PC board
one at a time.
If aux. voltages
are incorrect, If aux. voltages If removing each gate lead If removing and replacing
check & repair. are OK one at a time changes OCV each gate lead one at a
time does NOT change OCV
Codes below 9500
with power off, remove leads from Identify gate lead that, when
Codes above 9500 75, 76, 77 terminal strip and removed, OCV did not change.
with power off, disconnect welding leads from output terminals Remove gate lead. Voltage
remote control amphenol between gate lead and 204 must be 13-17V.
and welding leads from
output terminals.
Check resistance of each If voltage OK If voltage is
terminal on this terminal not correct
strip to ground. Resistance
Check the following pins must be as follows: Defective power SCR
for resistance to ground. 75-GND 2K minimum Possible defective
Resistance must be as 76-GND 2K minimum PC board
follows: 77-GND 12K minimum Replace
GND 2K min.
GND 2K min. Replace.
GND 12K min.
If not, clear terminal strip If resistance is OK,
and leads, and also check possible defective
SW2 and R1 for dirt. PC board.
If not, examine amphenol If resistance is OK, possible
assembly for faults. defective PC board.
If fault found, repair or If amphenol OK, possible
replace amphenol assembly. defective PC board.