[ 2 ] | Ranger
Arc Performance
• Smooth DC welding output for a broad range of stick electrodes, such
as Lincoln Excalibur
7018 (AWS E7018) and Fleetweld
5P+ (AWS
E6010). Also capable of MIG, flux-cored, and TIG welding.
• Choose DC(+) for a deep penetrating arc or DC(-) for less penetration
on thin sheet metal.
• Rated 225 amps/25 volts/40% duty cycle and 210 amps/25 volts/100%
duty cycle for CC and 200 amps/20 volts for CV. All rated outputs at
104°F (40°C).
• Simple Output Range Selector can be used to select one of three
amperage ranges with generous overlap for Stick/TIG welding, or one
Wire Feed welding range.
• Fine adjustment control allows you to dial in just the right welding
output for each application.
• Add productivity with self-shielded flux-cored CV wire welding.
Compatible with Lincoln Electric LN-25 PRO and LN-15 Across-the-Arc
wire feeders for use with a variety of wire electrodes.
• Expand to AC TIG welding with optional Square Wave
TIG 175 or
V205-T AC/DC (powered by AC generator power from the
225) for aluminum and other alloy welding.
• Arc gouge with up to 5/32 in. (4.0 mm) carbon electrode.
AC Generator Performance
• 10,500 watts peak AC generator power. Most peak power in its class.
Use for motor starting.
• 9,000 watts continuous AC generator power. For high capacity needs
such as a back-up generator, powering a Tomahawk
625 plasma
cutter, an Invertec
inverter welder or a Square Wave
TIG 175 welder.
Also for lights, a grinder or other power tools.
• Delivers up to 38 amps from the single 120V/240V full-KVA
receptacle. Standard circuit breakers protect the machine as well as
your power tools.
• Delivers up to 40 amps from two 120V duplex receptacles.
• Get two tools in one when you use the Ranger
225 as
a power generator for emergency standby power, and/or
for welding.
• Optional GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) Kit available for
additional protection from electrical shock.
• Simultaneous welding and AC generator power – power up to
3,950 watts while welding at 145 amps (AC generator power is
reduced when welding simultaneously per table below).
• Take on more jobs – plug in an optional Tomahawk
625 plasma
cutter to cleanly cut metal.
• Top-of-the-line OHV engine: Kohler
23 HP CH23S.
• Three engine doors provide machine protection and easy
service access.
• Easy to Maintain – Engine requires an oil change only every 100 hours
and every 200 hours for the oil filter.
• Electric Start Switch for easy starts. Switch combines OFF, START, and
IDLER functions into one simple, compact, easy to use switch.
• Circuit breaker protects battery ignition circuit.
• Convenient truck or trailer mounting with front and rear holes in base.
• Fuel level slots in both sides of the base with a decal to easily read
the fuel level in the tank. Helps you avoid running out of fuel during
critical jobs.
• Large top fuel filler neck is easily accessed for refueling.
• Oil drain valve (no tools required) with removable extension tube.
• 435 cold cranking amps with the Group 58 battery for extra starting
capacity in cold temperatures.
• Easy access battery cover.
DC Welding Output
Permissible Power