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All Processes After welding, the meter holds the actual
average arc voltage for 5 seconds.
During this time, the display flashes to
indicate the wire feeder is in the "Hold"
period. Output adjustment while in the
"Hold" period results in the "prior to oper-
ation" characteristics described above.
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The voltage/trim meter displays either the voltage or
trim value, depending upon the welding process
(mode) being used and the status of the wire feeder
and power source.
Below the meter are the words “Volts” and “Trim”. An
LED light illuminates to designate which value is being
displayed on the meter. The knob below the meter
adjusts the value displayed in the meter. The following
tables describe the function of the Volts / Trim display
depending upon the status of the wire feeder / power
source package and the welding process utilized.
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.7>6'DA57EE -A>FE+D;?;EB>3KBD;ADFAAB7D3F;A@
Nonsynergic CV Displays the preset Voltage value.
Synergic CV Displays the preset Voltage value.
Synergic Displays the preset Trim value from 0.50
CV-Pulse to 1.50, with 1.00 as the default. Trim
adjusts the arc length for Pulse programs.
Lower the trim value to decrease the arc
length, and raise the trim value to
increase the arc length. A trim value of
1.00 is optimum for most conditions.
Synergic CV-STT • Adjusts the background current of the
STT waveform. Used to modify the heat
• Linc Net Power Sources: Displays the
background current as a value from 0.50
to 1.50, with 1.00 as the default. Lower
the trim value to decrease the heat input,
and raise the trim value to increase the
heat input. A trim value of 1.00 is opti-
mum for most conditions.
• Arc Link Power Sources: Displays the
background current in amps. Lower the
background current to decrease the heat
input and raise the background current
to increase the heat input.
Nonsynergic Displays the preset CP value from 0 to 20.
Power The Power mode is best for thin sheet
metal and aluminum applications.
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Weld Process -A>FE+D;?;EB>3K
All Processes Displays Actual
Average Arc Voltage
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Synergic CV programs feature an ideal voltage best
suited for most procedures. Use this voltage as a
starting point for the weld procedure and adjust if
needed for personal preferences.
The voltage is calibrated to ±2% over a range of 10 to
45 volts.
When the voltage knob is rotated, the display will
show an upper or lower bar indicating if the voltage is
above or below the ideal voltage.
• Preset voltage above ideal
voltage. (upper bar displayed)
• Preset voltage at ideal
voltage. (no bar displayed)
• Preset voltage below ideal
voltage. (lower bar displayed)