Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
Local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Fault Codes
Code Description Misadjustment(s) Corrective Action
39 Glitch on the primary over Check the machine ground. Self-clearing as
current fault interrupt; possibly If problem persists contact an condition ceases.
caused by noise or a signal level authorized Lincoln Field Service
(misc. hardware fault #1) Shop.
44 Main CPU problem. The DSP Check the machine ground.
has detected a problem with the CPU.
47 Glitch on the CAP/heart beat If problem persists contact an
interrupt; possibly caused by authorized Shop.
noise or a signal level right at
the trip threshold.
(misc. hardware fault #2)
81 Motor overload-average motor Verify motor armature is not
current exceeded 8.00 amps for binding. Verify Wire Spool
more than 0.50 seconds is not binding.
82 Motor overcurrent-average motor Verify wire can move freely in
current exceeded 3.50 amps for cable. Verify Spool Brake is not
more than 10.0 seconds set to tight.
Displays Description
Scrolling dash
Appears at power up while the machine is going through its self configu-
"Err" "####" Fault code display. The first fault to occur will be displayed for three
seconds. The display will cycle through fault codes for all faults that
persist after the initial three-second period are displayed for 1 sec-
ond each.
"----" "----" Weld mode is changing
"####" "####"(on steady) Machine output is on. Left display is current, right display is voltage.
If actively welding, the displays are arc current and arc voltage. If
not actively welding, the display will show work point.
"####" "####" (blinking) Weld just finished – the average arc voltage and current will be
blinked for 5 seconds following a weld. If the work point changes
during this 5 second period, the display will revert to the above