*+ -/$*)
3. *F;H7J?EDM?J>+*2 -21 V
• Install the spool gun per the installation instructions
• Turn the
Power Wave® C300
input power ON.
• Make sure the machine is configured for spool gun
operation (see parameter + in the Set-up Menu sec-
• Pull and release the trigger of the Spool Gun. The
Power Mig recognizes the spool gun as active and weld
parameters are adjustable for welding with the Spool
• Voltage is adjustable at the power source. The
right control knob on the power source will
adjust the voltage that is displayed in the meter
directly above it.
• The left Display (WFS / AMPS) on the Power
Wave® C300 will have 4 dashes (----) to indi-
cate that the left control knob on the power
source is inactive. Wire Feed Speed is set at
the Spool Gun.
• The following procedure settings for Aluminum
4043 can be used as initial settings for making
test welds to determine final settings:
2?H;?7 2!..;JJ?D= H91EBJ7=;
.030" (.8 mm) 270 15V
.035" (.9 mm) 250 16V
3/64" (1.2 mm) 240 20V
The Power Wave® C300 is designed to enable syner-
gic weld modes and synergic pulse processes with the
spool gun. The actual wire feed speed (WFS) of the
spool gun must be measured and manually set on the
Power Wave® C300 as a work point for the Power
Wave® C300 (SPD).
• In synergic modes when the spool gun trigger is
pulled, an adjustable value for the SPD work
point is displayed in the left meter. The letters
SPD are displayed in the right meter.
• The left control knob adjusts the SPD value.
The right control knob is inactive.
• Measure the actual WFS, in inches per minute,
at the spool gun and set the SPD at the Power
Wave® C300 to match this value. WFS can be
measured by pulling the trigger of the spool gun
and feeding wire for 6 seconds. Measure the
length of wire (in inches) that was fed and multi-
ply by 10.
+*2 -21 V
*'! ".+0-" .2$/#
Cold Feed and Gas Purge are com-
bined into a single spring centered tog-
gle switch.
To activate Cold Feeding, hold the
switch in the !*-2- position. The
wire drive will feed electrode but neither the power
source nor the gas solenoid will be energized. Adjust
the speed of cold feeding by rotating the WFS knob.
Cold feeding, or "cold inching" the electrode is useful
for threading the electrode through the gun.
Hold with toggle switch in the & position to acti-
vate Gas Purge and let the shielding gas flow. The
gas solenoid valve will energize but neither the power
source output nor the drive motor will be turned on.
The Gas Purge switch is useful for setting the proper
flow rate of shielding gas. Flow meters should always
be adjusted while the shielding gas is flowing.
.+**'"0)*+ -/$*)
When the Power Wave® C300 Gun is configured for
Spool Gun Operation (see parameter + in the Set-up
Menu section), the
Power Wave® C300 provides gun
trigger switch transfer between the Built-in gun or the
spool gun for the same polarity welding with different
wire and gas processes.
Because the control circuitry senses each gun through its
trigger leads, weld parameters are displayed and
adjustable for the last gun that was triggered.
1. +KBB?D=J>;JH?==;H<EHJ>;8K?BJ?D<;;:;H=KD
• Disables spool gun operation.
• Changes the displays of the
Power Wave® C300
to correspond to feeder gun operation.
• Closing feeder gun trigger starts feeder gun weld-
ing and makes both
electrodes electrically “HOT”.
2. +KBB?D=.+**'"0)/H?==;H
• Disables built-in feeder gun operation.
• Changes the displays of the
Power Wave® C300
to correspond to Spool Gun operation.
• Closing spool gun trigger starts spool gun welding
and makes both
electrodes electrically “HOT”.