If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
<0.96;0<9;BA5<?6G216291&2?C602.0696AF for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
If all recommended possible areas
of possible cause have been
checked and the problem persists,
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Machine input contactor operates
but machine has no weld
output.Fan runs and pilot light
Red and Green lights do not come
on for approximately 5 seconds
when switching to or powering up
in CC mode.
Both red and green lights stay on
in CC mode well past the 5 second
pretest time.
Switch to “ON”, or install a
jumper from #2 to #4 on
machine terminal strip. If
machine weld output is
restored the problem is in the
wire feeder or control cable.
2. If remote control is not being
used make certain the
(SW3) is in the "Local" position.
3. Check 42V Circuit Breaker in
the front panel. Reset if neces-
4. Check for loose or faulty weld
cable connections.
5. Trigger circuit not working.
6. If machine functions properly in
CV modes but not in CC mode,
check for loose connections at
VRD P.C. board.
1. Check for faulty mode switch.
2. Check for loose connections at
VRD P.C. board.
3. Possible bad VRD P.C. Board.
1. Check to make sure output is
not shorted (electrode touching
2. If using an across the arc Wire
Feeder, remove the clamp from
the output stud until after the 5
second pretest is complete.
3. Uncoil output cables.
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