or 80,000 km (50,000 miles). It is
not necessary and not
recommended to use supplemental
coolant additives in your
gasoline-powered vehicle. These
additives may harm your engine
cooling system.
When you change or add engine
coolant, it is important to maintain
your engine coolant concentration
between 40% (-24°C [11°F]) and
60% (-52°C [-62°F]), depending on
your local climate conditions. A
coolant concentration below 40%
may cause the engine to overheat
on a warm day.
Do not use engine coolant that
does not meet all 14 requirements
of Ford Specification ESE-M97B44-A.
The use of an improper coolant
may void your warranty for the
engine cooling system. Use only a
premium nationally-recognized
brand name engine coolant.
Always dispose of used
automotive fluids in a responsible
manner. Follow your community’s
standards for disposing of these
types of fluids. Call your local
recycling center to find out more
about recycling automotive fluids.
Adding engine coolant
Never remove the coolant
recovery cap while the
engine is running or hot.
Maintenance and care