Plateau Climb:
has on the heart and cardiovascular system.
Elliptical exercise in particular is ideal for the
human body because you may exercise both the upper and lower body, achieving a full body workout
and cardiovascular system with a series of progressively harder exercise intensity’s that will improve
your overall aerobic endurance, while also stimulating your anaerobic endurance. Remember as you
go through this workout that it may be challenging for a few minutes, but each progression has been
carefully timed to also provide recovery intervals after the highest intensity interval, so you can feel
A Plateau Climb workout will provide you
workouts, but push you to maintain a higher
of course always comfortably push yourself to higher overall exercise intensity for longer periods of
time. Remember, if you simply get on your elliptical and go at the same pace, for the same amount of
time every day when you workout, your body will only improve to the level of the workouts you are
always “change” your workouts so you don’t do the same workout within one week, while at the same
time slowly increase your overall exercise intensity while also increasing your overall exercise time.