Contact with air, moisture, and light can cause false results. Keep test
strips sealed in the original moisture-resistant, light-protected package
and store in a cool, dry place not above 30°C (86°F). Do not refrigerate,
place in direct heat or sunlight, or leave bottle open.
DO NOT use SureStep
Test strips beyond the expiration date.
If using test strips from a bottle, write the discard date on the bottle
label. Discard unused test strips four months after first opening
the bottle.
DO NOT use SureStep Test Strips that are bent, torn, cut, or changed in
any way.
Before testing, the confirmation dot should be off-white. DO NOT use
test strip if confirmation dot is darker than the colour of an unused test
strip shown on the Colour Chart included with the test strip package.
Use each test strip immediately after removing it from the package.
Replace the test strip bottle cap immediately after removing a test strip
and close the cap tightly.
Never transfer test strips to a new bottle or any other container.
DO NOT use bleach, or products containing bleach, with the test strips.
For reliable results, use only SureStep Test Strips made by LifeScan.
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