OneTouch® Diabetes Management Software v2.3.1 User Manual 120
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You have several options to get to the Manual Entry screens where you can add a record by
clicking on the appropriate Tab:
When you see this: You can do this:
On the Home Screen ■ Click on the icon and you will go directly to the
Manual Entry-A screen. Click on any of the
5Tabs labeled Glucose, Insulin, Oral Meds,
Exercise, and Food to enter data.
■ If you would like to add a Health Record, click
on the Go to Health Records link. You will go
to the Manual Entry-B screen.
■ Click on the Go to Other Records link to return
to the Manual Entry-A screen.
On the Menu Bar ■ Click on Manual Entry. Then select Glucose,
Insulin, Oral Meds, Exercise, Food, or Health
Records from the drop-down menu to add a
particular record type.
On the Tool Bar ■ Click on the Pencil icon and you will go directly
to the Manual Entry-A screen. Click on any of
the five Tabs labeled Glucose, Insulin, Oral
Meds, Exercise, and Food to enter data.
On the Tool Bar ■ Click on the Heart icon and you will go directly
to the Manual Entry-B screen. Here you can
enter data for Health Records.