
You may still have a variation from the result
because blood glucose levels can change sig-
nificantly over short periods, especially if
you have recently eaten, exercised, taken
medication, or experienced stress.
In addi-
tion, if you have eaten recently, the blood
glucose level from a fingerstick can be up to
3.9 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) higher than blood
drawn from a vein (venous sample) used for
a lab test.
Therefore, it is best to fast for
eight hours before doing comparison tests.
Factors such as the amount of red blood cells
in the blood (a high or low Haematocrit) or
the loss of body fluid (severe dehydration)
may also cause a meter result to be different
from a laboratory result.
Plasma/Serum: The PocketScan System is
calibrated to plasma/serum, which allows
you to compare directly PocketScan meter
results with your lab results.
1. Clarke, W.L., et al.: Diabetes Care, Vol. 10, No. 5
(1987), 622-628.
2. Surwit, R.S., and Feinglos, M.N.: Diabetes Forecast
(1988), April, 49-51.
3. Sacks, D.B.: “Carbohydrates.” Burtis, C.A., and
Ashwood, E.R. (ed.), Tietz Textbook of Clinical
Chemistry. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company
(1994), 959.
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