Life Fitness Model 4000 Treadmill
The INCLINE τ key is used for the following testing information:
⇒ HEARTRATE MODE OPERATION (if equipped with optional heart rate kit)
Power up the unit while holding down the INCLINE τ key. The display console will read TEST MODE. Upon initial
entry into the test mode, the two columns of the program profile window will have one to two LED’s lit.
The first three LED’s (from the top) of the left column are related to jumpers which are not applicable to any of the
test modes.
The fourth LED from the top indicates the condition of the OPTO SPEED SENSOR. When lit, the OPTO SPEED
SENSOR is reading through a slot in the chopper wheel that is mounted on the motor. When the LED is off, the
OPTO SPEED SENSOR is being blocked by a slot on the chopper wheel. Normal function of the LED is that it
flashes on and off as the drive motor turns during operation.
The fifth LED from the top will inform you if the unit is a 120v or a 220v unit. When the LED is off, the unit is 110v.
When the LED is on, the unit is 220v.
The sixth LED from the top indicates the elevation (HOME SWITCH). When the LED is off, the HOME SWITCH is
engaged and the unit is at zero elevation. When the LED is lit, the HOME SWITCH is disengaged and the unit is
at a non-zero elevation.
The left, bottom LED is the EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH condition. When this LED is lit, the EMERGENCY
STOP SWITCH is engaged and the unit operates. When the LED is off, the EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH is
disengaged and the unit will not run.
The right, bottom LED informs you if the BLANK STATE is set to the ON or OFF position.