108 Maintenance
4.2 Liebert Global Services
Start-up, UPS maintenance, battery maintenance, and training programs are available for the Series 600T UPS
through your Liebert sales representative.
Professional Start-Up
UPS Start-Up - Liebert’s Customer Engineers perform a thorough non-powered inspection of the units, and will
then conduct a complete electrical checkout which includes calibrating all components to published specifica-
tions. The battery installation is also inspected and placed on an initialization charge to ensure cell equalization.
Customer Operation training will be conducted during battery charge time.
Load Bank Testing and Full Site Acceptance Testing are additional services that can be performed during a UPS
Start-Up. One Preventive Maintenance Service Call can be added to the initial UPS Start-Up Agreement.
Battery Installation/Start-Up - When purchased with a UPS Start-Up, this Agreement provides consistent, pro-
fessional service for your entire UPS system. This one-source approach avoids conflicts that may occur during a
multisource installation. Note that Liebert requires a m andatory installation inspection for all batteries not
installed by Liebert Customer Engineers.
Battery IEEE Certification Inspection - The Battery Specialist will perform a detailed inspection of the entire
battery system to ensure it meets current IEEE standards.
Maintenance Agreements: The Signature Program
UPS Service Agreements - Liebert Global Services (L GS) has a variety of available maintenance agreements,
depending on specific site needs. Choose the level of support appropriate for each installation. Mission-critical
sites can have the standard parts-and-labor, around-the-clock coverage for their UPS, with or without scheduled
preventive maintenance visits. Other sites can benefit from a variety of money-saving options.
As a rule of thumb, Liebert recommends two preventive maintenance visits per year for the UPS. The first can be
conducted with the UPS operational, and includes an infra-red scan of key UPS components. The annual visit
will require taking the UPS off-line for a thorough nonpowered inspection. These visits are in addition to the
general housekeeping tasks (changing air filters, etc.) that can be pe rformed by customer personnel.
Battery Service Agreem ents - The same flexible Signature Program can also be applied to contracts for battery
maintenance. Again, the coverage needed will depend on the type of battery purchased and the degree of support
required from Liebert Global Services.
Customer training courses include the proper operation of the system, emergency procedures, preventive mainte-
nance, and some corrective maintenance.
Contact Liebert Global Services if you have a ny questions regarding the warranty on your Series 600T UPS or
the batteries.