System and Control Options
7.8.1 Turn Automatic Sequencing On or Off
Use automatic sequencing to set up a schedule for rotation of redundant devices. For example, three
devices might be in operating mode while a fourth device is in standby mode. Every two days, the AC4
returns the standby device to operating mode and places one of the operating devices on standby.
When zones are used, the AC4 manages the rotation sequence for each zone separately, so each zone
might have one device in operating mode and one in standby mode.
Auto sequencing is OFF (deactivated) by default. When auto sequencing is activated (ON or 12h, for a
12-hour interval), the AC4 cycles devices at the specified interval and time of day as follows:
• An output device in Standby mode is returned to Operating mode.
• An output device that is Operating is put in Standby mode.
When more than one device is in Standby mode or turned On, the AC4 performs the operations in a
sequence that rotates the order. For example, in a sequence set up to occur every two days:
• Monday: Device 1 is placed on Standby, and Devices 2, 3 and 4 operate.
• Wednesday: Device 2 is placed on Standby, and Devices 1, 3 and 4 operate.
• Friday: Device 3 is placed on Standby, and Devices 1, 2 and 4 operate.
• Sunday: Device 4 is placed on Standby, and Devices 1, 2 and 3 operate.
To change the auto sequencing settings:
1. From the Setup System Operation Menu, use the arrows
↑↓ to
choose Auto Sequencing, then press Enter ↵.
2. In the Activate / Deactivate screen, use the arrows
↑↓ to choose one
of three options:
a. ON for intervals of every 1 to 99 days, then press Enter ↵ and
proceed to Step 3.
b. 12h for an interval of every 12 hours, then press Enter ↵ and
proceed to Step 4.
c. OFF to deactivate auto sequencing, then press Enter ↵ to
return to the previous menu.
3. Select the interval for how often the sequencing should occur in the
Every 0
3 Days field. The default is 3 days; valid entries range
from 0 to 99 days.
• For each digit, use the arrows
↑↓ to choose a number from 0 to
9, then press Enter ↵ to advance to the next digit.
• When finished, press Enter ↵ to set the time of day.
4. Specify the time of day the sequencing should begin in the At 00
field. The format is HH:MM for hours and minutes.
• Use the arrows
↑↓ to choose from available entries for hours
(00-23), then press Enter ↵ to advance to minutes.
• Use the arrows
↑↓ to select minutes (00-59).
• When finished, press Enter ↵ again.
The AC4 will not cycle outputs that have been manually forced On or Off through the Override
Output Menu or the hardware switch (see 7.9 - Override Output).
Setup Operation Menu
HOLD DELAY : 10:00
RESTART : 00:06
Activate / Deactivate
Set Interval & Start Time
(1- to 99-Day Interval)
AT 00:00
Set Start Time
(12-Hour Interval)
AT 00