Operation with Advanced Microprocessor with Graphics Control
3.13.2 Nonvolatile Memory
All critical information is stored in nonvolatile memory. Setpoints, setup parameters, and component
run hours are kept inside the microcontroller in EEPROM. Information retained for data logging,
24 hour component run hour graphs, alarm history, and the water detection floor plan is kept in non-
volatile RAM.
3.13.3 DIP Switches
Equipment options are selected and enabled using DIP switches 1 to 7. These are located at the upper
left of the control board and are labeled SW1. Switch 1 is at the top. These switches are factory set
and should not require any user changes. The setting and function of the switches can be read from
the LCD (see 3.8.4 - DIP Switches).
3.13.4 Control Outputs
Active control outputs are indicated with LEDs on the lower section of the control board. Each LED is
lit if the control output is active (on). Use these LEDs to assist in troubleshooting the system.
Table 12 Control output LEDs
LED Control Output
R5 Heat Rejection
LLSV Liquid Line Solenoid Valve
HGBP Hot Gas By-Pass
C1 Compressor
RH1 Reheat Stage 1 or Hot Gas, Hot Water Reheat Solenoid
or SCR Reheats
RH2 Reheat Stage 2
HUM Humidifier
FAN Main Fan
HMV Humidifier Make-Up Valve
LLSV2 Part Coil Solenoid Valve