Communication Interfaces
Value Parameter
Item settings, depending on what they are, use various value types. Table 10 provides a list of the
possible value types and their description.
Table 11 shows the various groups, the settings contained within, and the type of value it requires.
Table 10 Value types
Type Definition
Numeric An integer numeric value in the units indicated by the item name. For example, a System Voltage
Rating of 480 would indicate 480 volts.
Scaled Similar to the Numeric, this value type is an integer that has been scaled, usually to remove
decimal points that would normally appear within the value. In this case, a value of 2.5 may actually
be input as simply 25. For all Scaled types, the scaling appears in Table 11.
String Certain settings are represented by alphanumeric character strings, such as setting the System
Model Number to Liebert STS2.
Enumeration This type uses an indexed list to represent possible choices. One example is the Modem Baud
Rate which uses a value of 0 to select 2400 bps, 1 for 9600 bps, and 2 for 19200 bps.
Bit-packed This type of value uses a hexadecimal binary word, where each of the sixteen bits in the word has
the value of 1 (True) or 0 (False). Although somewhat difficult to use, it packs a large amount of
data within a single entry. A detailed description of this type appears in section 12.1.3 - Setting
Bitpacked Options with the Terminal on page 81.
Event Masks This type is a specially formatted and is used to customize the behavior of each fault and alarm in
the system. See 12.1.4 - Setting Event Masks with the Terminal on page 84 for instructions on
configuring Event Mask parameters.
Table 11 Group settings and values
Group Item: Description Value Type Value Notes
Group 1:
1 Input Volts (PDU) Integer Set per system spec.
2 Volts Integer Set per system spec.
3 Current Integer Set per system spec.
4 Frequency Scaled Desired freq. x 10 (600 = 60 Hz)
Group 2:
1 Language Enumeration [Not supported at this time]
2 System Model Number String 14 Character max.
3 System ID Number String 8 Character max.
4 System Tag Number String 8 Character max.
5 System Order Number String 8 Character max.
6 Options_1 Bitpacked 14 Character max.
7 Autodial Primary Line String 20 Character max.
8 Autodial Secondary Line String 20 Character max.
9 Autodial Pager Number String 20 Character max.
10 Autodial Pager PIN String 10 Character max.
11 Modem Init String String 20 Character max.
12 Modem Baud Rate Enumeration 0 = 2400, 1 = 9600, & 2 = 19200 bps
13 Modem LGS Check - Day Bitpacked
14 Modem LGS Check - Time Bitpacked
15 Comms Options 1 Bitpacked See section 12.1.3.
16 Comms Options 2 Bitpacked See section 12.1.3.