Read the Satellite Lock Status
1. With the Satellite STB Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate transcoder card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Click on the Read button at the right of the Lock Status field to determine whether or not
the satellite receiver is locked to the satellite, for example:
Card 1: Satellite signal is locked
Read the STB Serial Number
1. With the Satellite STB Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate transcoder card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Click on the Read button at the right of the Read Receiver Number field to display the
satellite STB serial number, for example:
Card 1: STB serial number is 029265702091
Read the Access Card Number
1. With the Satellite STB Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate transcoder card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Click on the Read button at the right of the Read Access Card Number field to display the
satellite STB access card serial number, for example:
Card 1: Access card serial number is 002468525676
Power the STB On or Off
Power On and Power Off options in the Satellite STB Menu enable you to power ON a satellite
STB from standby mode or power OFF a satellite STB to standby mode.
1. With the Satellite STB Menu on display, click on the down arrow at the right of the Card
Select eld, and select the appropriate transcoder card from the drop-down list of options.
2. Either:
• Click on the Power On button at the right of the Power Tuner On field to power ON the
satellite STB.
The system will display conrmation, for example:
Card 1: STB Powered On
• Click on the Power Off button at the right of the Power Tuner Off field to switch the satellite
STB to standby mode. HDMI output is disabled, but the Ethernet port continues to stream
audio and video.
The system will display conrmation, for example:
Card 1: STB Powered Off
Conguration Options via GUI (Cont.)