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LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright ©2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
4.5. V-COM Adjust(Only 37/42/47LH4000-ZA)
- Why need Vcom adjustment?
A The Vcom (Common Voltage) is a Reference Voltage of
Liquid Crystal Driving.
-> Liquid Crystal need for Polarity Change with every frame.
- Adjust sequence
· After enter Service Mode by pushing “ADJ” key.
· Enter V-Com Adjust mode by pushing “
G” key at “10. V-
· As pushing the right or the left button on the remote
controller, Find the V-COM value that is stopped the Flicker.
· If there is no flicker at default value, turn down or turn up at
least 20 step and check the flicker. Then go to the default
· Push the store button by “OK” key in the ADJ remocon.
4.6. Outgoing condition Configuration
- When pressing IN-STOP key by SVC remocon, Red LED are
blinked alternatively. And then Automatically turn off.
(Must not AC power OFF during blinking)
4.7. Internal pressure
Confirm whether is normal or not when between power
board's ac block and GND is impacted on 1.5 kV(dc) or 2.2
kV(dc) for one second
5. Serial number D/L
• press “Power on” key of service remocon.
(Baud rate : 115200 bps)
• Connect RS232 Signal Cable to RS-232 Jack.
• Write Serial number by use RS-232.
• Must check the serial number at the Diagnostics of SET UP
menu. (Refer to below).
5.1. Signal TABLE
CMD : A0h
LENGTH : 85~94h (1~16 bytes)
ADH : EEPROM Sub Address high (00~1F)
ADL : EEPROM Sub Address low (00~FF)
Data : Write data
CS : CMD + LENGTH + ADH + ADL + Data_1 +…+ Data_n
Delay : 20ms
5.2. Command Set
* Description
FOS Default write : <7mode data> write
Vtotal, V_Frequency, Sync_Polarity, Htotal, Hstart, Vstart, 0,
Data write : Model Name and Serial Number write in
5.3. method & notice
A. Serial number D/L is using of scan equipment.
B. Setting of scan equipment operated by Manufacturing
Technology Group.
C. Serial number D/L must be conformed when it is produced
in production line, because serial number D/L is mandatory
by D-book 4.0.