5 From the Settings tab:
• Select a preset scan setting corresponding to your document.
• If you are not satisfied with a preset setting, customize the scan settings by adjusting color depth and
resolution, and choosing a descreening option if you need to remove wavy patterns from images scanned
from magazines or newspapers.
• Reduce background noise, if necessary. Select Reduce Background Noise, and move the slider to adjust
the level of noise reduction.
6 From the Adjustments tab:
• Adjust the brightness, contrast, and gamma (color correction curve). Move the sliders to adjust the levels.
• Sharpen the image. Move the slider to adjust sharpness of your image.
• Invert colors. Select Invert Colors to reverse the colors of your image. The effect is similar to that of a film
Related topics:
• “Customizing scan settings from the Scan dialog” on page 42
• “Adjusting the brightness of an image” on page 45
Adjusting the brightness of an image
1 From the Finder desktop, double-click the Lexmark 4800 Series folder.
2 Double-click the Lexmark 4800 Series Center icon.
3 From the All-In-One Center, click Preview/Edit to open the Scan dialog.
4 Click to open the Scan Settings drawer.
5 Select the Adjustments tab.
6 From the Brightness area, move the slider to lighten or darken the image.
Related topics:
• “Customizing scan settings from the Scan dialog” on page 42
• “Adjusting color settings when scanning” on page 41
Cropping photos using the software
You can use the Auto-crop feature to highlight certain focal points or to show only a specific portion of an image.
1 From the Finder desktop, double-click the Lexmark 4800 Series folder.
2 Double-click the Lexmark 4800 Series Center icon.
3 From the All-in-One Center dialog, click Preview/Edit.
4 Select Auto-crop sensitivity.
Note: Selecting Auto-crop sensitivity automatically selects the area to be scanned.
5 If you are satisfied with the cropped image, click .
Working with photos