Leica RM2125 Troubleshooting Guide
4. Scratches or splits in sections
Cause(s) / Corrective Action
I) Knife:
– Defect in knife edge
– Hard specimen in block
– Paraffin on front or back of knife edge
– Possible staple left in paraffin
a) Move to a new area of the knife and observe if the scratches move with it. If so, replace the knife or have the knife sharpened.
b) Notify supervisor about hard specimen in block and how to proceed from there.
c) Clean the knife with a swab moistened with Xylene. Stroke the swab in an upward motion away from the blade edge, not down on the blade edge.
d) Try to move the blade or replace it.
TIP: Use a wooden stick and run it across the blade once and check again.
e) Clean the pressure plate with a swab moistened in Xylene.
II) Blades:
– Defect in knife edge
– Hard specimen in block
– Paraffin on front or back of knife edge
– Coating deterioration on blade edge
a) Move to a new area of the knife and observe if the scratches move with it. If so, replace the knife or have the knife sharpened.
b) Notify supervisor about hard specimen in block and how to proceed from there.
c) Clean the knife with a swab moistened with Xylene. Stroke the swab in an upward motion away from the blade edge,
not down on the blade edge.
d) Try to move the blade or replace it.
e) Remove paraffin from the front or back of the pressure plate.
f) Clean the pressure plate with a swab moistened in Xylene.
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