
Leica IC80 HD Manual 14
For instructions on installing and using
the software for PC mode, refer to the
DVD provided with the IC80 HD.
Eyepieces have a xed, circular eld of
view. However, the image sensor of the
Leica IC80 HD is rectangular. Therefore, the
image eld of the camera shows less informa-
tion than you see when looking through the
eyepieces (see page 10).
Installation and connection
1. Place the DVD provided into the computer's
disk drive and follow the instructions for
installing the software.
2. Connect the Leica IC80 HD and the compu-
ter using the USB cable provided.
The Leica IC80 HD is powered by the
computer via the USB cable. This chan-
ges the color of the LED on the Leica IC80 HD.
As soon as the LED is green, you can open the
software and view, acquire or manage images.
3. Follow the instructions in the software for
adjusting and acquiring an image.
Connecting to the Windows PC