
Safety Directions
Lightning conduc-
Suggestion for design of a lightning conductor for a GNSS system:
1. On non-metallic structures
Protection by air terminals is recommended. An air terminal is a pointed solid or
tubular rod of conducting material with proper mounting and connection to a
conductor. The position of four air terminals should be uniformly distributed
around the antenna at a distance equal to the height of the air terminal.
The air terminal diameter should be 12 mm for copper or 15 mm for aluminium.
The height of the air terminals should be 25 cm to 50 cm. All air terminals should
be connected to the down conductors. The diameter of the air terminal should
be kept to a minimum to reduce GNSS signal shading.
2. On metallic structures
Protection is as described for non-metallic structures, but the air terminals can
be connected directly to the conducting structure without the need for down