Timecard Timeline
The Timecard Timeline is a snap-shot view of the shifts and punches
for the selected date. The Timecard Timeline can be expanded,
collapsed or hidden entirely. When the timeline is expanded it has 3
areas; the Actual Punches, the Adjusted Punches and the Shift.
• Actual Punches area - Displays the unrounded punches.
• Adjusted Punches area - Displays the punches after they
have been rounded.
• Schedule area - Displays the shift that is being used for the
selected day.
The open shift will be represented by a green bar in the Schedule
An assigned shift rule will be represented by a light blue bar in the
Schedule area. Note: In or Out revisions set up on the shift rule will
be represented by a yellow area before (In revision) or after (Out
revision) the light blue bar.
A flexible shift rule will be represented by a gray bar in the Schedule
Hiding the Timeline
The Timecard Timeline can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on
the expanding/collapsing bar. The bar is located between the
timecard table and timeline. It is identified in the red circle below.