
4: Configuration Using Web Manager
XPort AR User Guide 34
To configure the tunnel’s packing mode:
1. Select Tunnel 1 Æ Packing Mode from the navigation menu. The Tunnel 1
Packing Mode window displays.
Figure 4-18. Tunnel 1 Packing Mode
2. Enter or modify the following fields:
Mode Select Disabled to disable Packing Mode completely. Select
Send Character to send the queued data when the Send
Character is received. Select Timeout to send data after the
specified time has elapsed.
Enter a time, in milliseconds, for the XPort AR to send the
queued data.
Send the queued data when the number of queued bytes
reaches the threshold.
Send Character Enter the send character. Upon receiving this character, the
XPort AR sends out the queued data.
Trailing Character Enter the trailing character. This character is sent
immediately following the send character.
3. Click Submit. Changes are applied immediately to the XPort AR.
Start and Stop Characters
The XPort AR can be configured to start a tunnel when it receives a specific start
character from the serial port. The XPort AR can also be configured to disconnect
upon receiving the stop character.
To configure the start and stop characters mode:
1. Select Tunnel 1 Æ Stop/Start Chars from the navigation menu. The Tunnel 1
Start/Stop Chars window displays.