LaCie Quick Install Guide 10
c. For each array to create, click the Create Array Group button.
Figure 16 - Create Drive Group
3. When all arrays have been created, click Next.
4. In the Virtual Disk Properties screen, modify default settings as fol-
lows in order to achieve best performance:
a. RAID level: RAID 6 for the best protection and RAID 5 for the
best protection/cost-per-TB ratio).
b. Initialization state: Full initialization
c. Stripe size: 256KB minimum
d. Read policy: Always Read Ahead
e. Write policy: Always write back
f. I/O policy: Direct IO
g. Access policy: Read Write
h. Disk cache policy: Enabled
i. Click Create Virtual Drive for each one you want to create.
Settings might be modified using Update Virtual Drive button.
Figure 17 - Advance Settings
5. Click Next when finished.
6. Review the configuration shown in the Virtual Disk Summary win-
dow. If you want to change something, click Back and change the
configuration parameters. Otherwise, click Finish to accept the con-
figuration and start the initialization process (unless you selected No
Initialization above).
4.4. Mount the Array
1. To access your drive configuration, launch Server Manager from
the Windows Start Menu and select Storage > Disk Management.
Figure 18 - Windows Storage Management
2. The Initialize Disk window should appear. If not, right-click the de-
sired disk and select Initialize Disk.
3. Select GPT if your volume is greater than 2TB (GUID Partition Table)
and click OK.
4. Right-click on the desired disk and select New simple volume.
5. When formatting is completed, the disk should appear as Healthy.
The logical volume is now mounted and should appear in your Windows
4.5. Share the volume
If you need assistance to configure SMB and NFS shares, please refer to
associated technical paper available on the LaCie website and on product
12big Rack Storage Server is delivered with pre installed Extreme Z-IP
to allow Mac compatibility and Time Machine backup configuration. For
more details, please refer to documentation available on product CD or
in Start Menu > Programs > Extreme Z-IP.