Setup, Registration, and User Management > Job Accounting
Counting the Number of Pages Printed
This counts the number of pages printed. Counts are classified into Total Job Accounting and Each Job Accounting. A
new count can also be started after resetting the count data which was stored for a certain period of time.
Types of the counts are as follows.
Display the screen.
1 Referring to Job Accounting Settings on page 9-60, display the screen.
To count the number of pages for all account, select [Total Job Accounting]. To count the
number of pages by account, select [Each Job Accounting].
To count the number of pages by account name, press […] for the account name whose usage
you wish to view.
Printed Pages Displays the number of pages copied and printed, and the total number of pages used. You can
also use [by Paper Size], [by Duplex] and [by Combine] to check the number of pages used.
• For copying, you can check the pages used for black and white and full-color copying as well
as the total pages used.
• For printing, you can check the pages used for black and white and full-color printing as well
as the total pages used.
• You can use [by Paper Size] to check the number of pages used in the paper size set in
Count by Paper Size on page 9-74 as well as the number of pages used in other paper
• You can use [by Duplex] to check the number of pages used in Duplex (1-sided) mode,
Duplex (2-sided) mode and the total for both.
• You can use [by Combine] to check the number of pages used in Combine (None) mode,
Combine (2 in 1) mode, Combine (4 in 1) mode and the total for all three.
Scanned Pages Displays the number of pages scanned for copying, faxing* and other functions, as well as the
total number of pages scanned.
* This item is displayed when the optional fax kit is installed.
FAX Transmission Pages* Displays the number of pages faxed.
FAX Transmission Time* Displays the total duration of fax transmissions.
Job Accounting
10:10System Menu/Counter.
Print Accounting Report
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Total Job Accounting
Each Job Accounting
User Login/Job... - Job Accounting Settings
Job Ac... - Each Job Accounting
10:10System Menu/Counter.
Sales department
Searches by account name.
Allows you to search for an account name and sorts results.