1 Introduction 1
2 Getting Started 2
2.1 Achieving the Best Performance 2
2.2 Safety Instructions 3
2.3 Recycling Kramer Products 3
3 Overview 4
3.1 Defining the VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher 4
3.2 Using the IR Transmitter 7
4 Installing in a Rack 8
5 Connecting the VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher 9
6 Operating the VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher 11
6.1 Switching an Input to an Output 11
6.2 Acquiring the EDID 11
6.3 Storing and Recalling a Setting 13
6.4 Resetting the IP Parameters 14
6.5 Switching Between Protocol 2000 and Protocol 3000 15
6.6 Connecting via RS-232 15
6.7 Connecting via Ethernet 15
6.8 Upgrading the Firmware 19
7 Technical Specifications 20
8 Default Communication Parameters 21
9 Default EDID 22
10 Kramer Protocol 2000 25
11 Protocol 3000 28
11.1 Kramer Protocol 3000 Syntax 28
11.2 Kramer Protocol 3000 Commands 31
Figure 1: VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher Front Panel 5
Figure 2: VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher Rear Panel 6
Figure 3: Connecting the VS-88HN 8x8 HDMI Matrix Switcher 10
Figure 4: Store-Recall Button Configuration 13
Figure 5: Local Area Connection Properties Window 16
Figure 6: Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties Window 17
Figure 7: Internet Protocol Version 6 Properties Window 18
Figure 8: Internet Protocol Properties Window 19