
34 VP-725NA - Configuring and Controlling the VP-725NA
7.1.1 Selecting the Correct Aspect Ratio
You can configure the aspect ratio of any output image to fit your application. The
VP-725NA offers six different aspect ratio settings: Best Fit, Letterbox, Follow
Output, Virtual Wide, Follow Input, and Custom. Here is how each of these
settings works.
BEST FIT This setting re-sizes the video or graphics
input signal to “best fit” the output resolution while
maintaining the aspect ratio of the input signal. For
example, a composite video signal (4:3 aspect ratio) will
“best fit” to the top and bottom of a widescreen output
image, resulting in black pillars on either side.
LETTERBOXThis setting compresses the top and
bottom edges of the input signal, but fills the width of
the screen.
FOLLOW OUTPUTThe aspect ratio and resolution
of the input signal is re-sized to precisely match the
aspect ratio and resolution of the VP-725NA output
signal. This may result in some distortion to the input
signal images
VIRTUAL WIDEThe input signal is stretched
horizontally to fit the width of a widescreen output
image from the VP-725NA. This setting is used to
expand anamorphic (horizontally compressed) video
images from DVDs
FOLLOW INPUTThe aspect ratio and resolution of
the input video or graphics signal are both preserved.
For example, a composite video image with a 4:3
aspect ratio will appear with the same aspect ratio on
a 1080p (16:9) output image, surrounded by black
CUSTOMUse this menu to define a custom aspect
ratio by adjusting the output image horizontal size
(width) and vertical size (height)