Controlling the VP-23RC
8.2 Controlling Additional Kramer Machines via RS-232 and RS-485
You can cascade other Kramer machines
together with the VP-23RC via the
RS-485 port, and control them via the SWITCHER CONTROL RS-232 port
using a PC.
To connect two Kramer VP-8x8A machines to the VP-23RC, via RS-485, as
illustrated in the example in Figure 13, do the following:
1. Connect the audio/video sources and acceptors on the VP-23RC and on the
additional Kramer machines (refer to the relevant user manuals for
installation instructions).
2. Connect the RS-232 port on the VP-23RC unit to the PC using the
Null-modem adapter provided with the machine (recommended), as section
8.1.1 describes.
3. Connect the RS-485 terminal block port on the VP-23RC to the RS-485 port
on the first VP-8x8A. Connect the RS-485 port on the first VP-8x8A to the
RS-485 port on the second VP-8x8A machine.
4. Set the dipswitches as follows:
Set the Machine number of each of the other units to a
machine number other than machine number 1
Set Dip 4 ON on the VP-23RC (RS-485 TERM) and
terminate the RS-485 line on the last unit
8.2.1 The Presentation Switcher Section Dipswitches
The Switcher setup dipswitches are located in the SWITCHER CONTROL
area of the rear panel. Table 8 and Figure 12 define the factory default
dipswitch settings
Table 8: Dipswitch Settings
DIPS Function Description
1, 2, 3 Not used Set to OFF
4 RS-485
ON for RS-485 Line Termination with 120;
OFF for no RS-485 Line Termination
Figure 12: Default
Dipswitch Settings
1 But not other VP-23RC machines
2 By default, all dipswitches are set to OFF