
4 602T, 602R - Overview
3.2 Defining EDID
The Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) is a data-structure provided by a
display, to describe its capabilities to a graphics card (that is connected to the
display’s source). The EDID enables the computer to “know” what kind of monitor
is connected to the output. The EDID includes the manufacturer’s name, the
product type, the timing data supported by the display, the display size, luminance
data and (for digital displays only) the pixel mapping data.
EDID is defined by a standard published by the Video Electronics Standards
Association (VESA).
3.3 Your Two-fiber Detachable Optical DVI Transmitter/
Figure 1 illustrates the 602T and 602R two-fiber detachable optical DVI extension
Figure 1: 602 Two-fiber Detachable Optical DVI Transmitter and Receiver