Caution for ngers location
Keep your ngers off the location shown with the arrows in the illus-
tration when operating this instrument. Otherwise, the ngers may be
pinched and injured.
Instruct the patient not to place his or her ngers on the instrument.
Caution for contact
Take good care so that the patient’s eye, nose
or face does not come in contact with the loca-
tions shown with an arrow in the illustration
when operating the instrument.
Caution for air vent
The air vent shown with the arrows in
the illustration must not be obstructed.
Obstructing the air vent may increase
the instrument temperature and result-
ing in malfunction of the instrument or
a re.
Do not insert any metal object into an
air vent or opening of the instrument,
also. It may cause electrical shock and
malfunctioning of the instrument.