Configuring KKP
Sample Configuration (Continued)
NOTE: At this point in the configuration, specific information about your printer is now
necessary to complete your configuration. Refer to page 9 for a list of the
required configuration information.
4. You will be asked whether you would like to append a Ctrl-D command to the end of your
files. This is an end-of-file marker, and we recommend that you type Y for this
Do you want a Ctrl-D to be appended to each print job? [y|n] Y
Next you will be prompted to answer a series of questions about your
Konica Workgroup Document System.
5. Memory. You will be asked to input your amount of available memory. This value should
be the amount of memory you have in your IP Print Controller, not your ERDH Memory.
Memory Configuration choices
1. 32MB RAM (default)
2. 64MB RAM
3. 96MB RAM
4. 128MB RAM
5. 144MB RAM
6. 160MB RAM
7. 192MB - 224MB RAM
8. 256MB - 512MB RAM
Enter selection number for Memory Configuration [1]: 2
In this case, we have an IP-303 with an available 64 MB of RAM, so the proper entry is 2.
6. Finisher. You will be asked what type of finisher you have installed on your Konica
Finisher Installed choices
1. No Finisher
2. FS-106 (default)
3. FS-108B (BookletMaker)
Enter selection number for Finisher Installed [2]: 2
In this case, we have an FS-106 Finisher, so the proper entry is 2.
Konica Print Utility 14